Music therapy can help us deal with our emotions.
This type of therapy you can use to gain all over health and healing.
Singing, moving, and Listening to music can connect to our minds in a positive way.
Strong people aren’t born strong.
They, weather many storms, and each storm makes them stronger.
Each time you had to walk through the dark you can choose to walk out of it into the light or you can
Feel like you are drowning in negative thoughts?
Feel hopeless? why should I try? I end up here again.
You find it hard to move.
People tell you just man up.
You sink deeper into the darkness.
Use your toughest challenges in life as the most powerful lessons that you can draw on in your future.
Do not let your mistakes define you!
Be thankful for your hardships.
Your traumas can own or you can
Years ago I was overwhelmed with grief, depression, and anxiety about how to live without my Daddy.
Wrote this article about how I dealt with and continue to deal with it. I hope each of you can find